Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Poem Explanation..

1. ex: Dedicating a party dress to the land. (personification)

This line makes the landscape seem elegant and graceful. It demonstrates the beauty shown by the land. At the same time, readers can imagine the land as a blessed territory because the sun is filled with joy to devote its rays for the land.

ex: Branches protrude, as if reaching for notability. (simile)

The sentence gives the audience a feeling that the land is very notable. Branches that stick out is pursuing the outstanding of the land. It makes the "avenue" full of pride.

ex: The chunks of snow, are the graves of grass. (metaphor)

This creates a sad atmosphere for the poem. Grave has a negative connotation which symbolizes death. Grass is stereotyped because it represents spring, the season of hope. This indicates that there is a long way to a better life. At the same time, readers can hear the howling winds just like inside the graveyard.

ex: To deteriorate the route to the remote faramita. (alliteration)

The sound of "t" makes the line full of rythme. It is a hard sound, which makes the poem serious, and not a love poem. Just like the poem"The Eagle: A Fragment", a lot of hard sounds are used to create the sad, solitary atmosphere.

ex: Miles away, is a world of green, teemed with hope. (symbolization)

Green is the colour of spring, which represents rebirth and hope. Symbolization is used to show the wonderful world that lies beyond the bumpy road. As long as you persist to conquer the difficulties along the route, a splendid plance will be waiting for you.

2. The avenue is described as crystal and that shows both nobility and notability of the road. That is the road to success which is very significant. However, the further you go, the more challenges there are. The difficulties are represented by the bumps. There is a long way to go in order to reach our goals, but the magnificent sunlight will always be there to encourage us. The road also symbolizes our lives, which might be very long. As long as we work hard, the world of green or hope, which means success, will be achievable. The branches in the poem stand for the wicked people who might try to thwart us from reaching our goals, but the pure snow, or the justice in the world will stop them. The most important trait that is required is perseverance. It will bring us to prosper and a better life.

3. My poem is describing the snow when sun is shining on it. I used the bumpy road of snow to represent the life of people which is full of hardships. The green trees far away can be spotted, and that symbolizes the success we will gain after walking over the bumpy road, or after conquering the difficulties. The golden sunlight is the people that encourages us while we are challenging ourselves.

4. The picture I chose is covered by snow. Canada is a very cold place, so snow is very common. Every time it snows, the land is teemed with those little pure angels. There are also a lot of forests and trees in Canada, just like the trees in the back of the picture. All together, the picture portays a peaceful and natural place, which is the same as Canada.

5. They would feel that this is a very beautiful place because such wonderful scenery can be seen. It is also very peaceful and harmonious. The natural conditions benefits the country a lot because snow brings more beauty to the country.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Poem of Canadian Landscape

The Crystal Avenue

By: Joy Wang

Golden sunlight,

shining on snow at twilight,

Dedicating a partydress to the land,

Branches protrude ,

as if reaching for notability,

The chunks of snow,

are the graves of grass,

saying farewell to spring,

Steps away,

lies the bumpy avenue,

still and determined,

to deteriorate the route to the remote faramita,

It would take centuries,

to saunter over the crystal route,

Miles away,
is a world of green,
teemed with hope ,
The jubilation after the conquer of the shiny road,
is overwhelming the crystal avenue.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Alliance with the Huron Empire..

1. An alliance is when several people or groups unite together. In their cooperation, everyone works together for their common purpose. By working together, every one of them wins profits. At the same time, their power is strengthened.

2. When Champlain first arrived in Canada, he nor his crew was accustomed to the climate and terrain. To succeed in his planned business, he had to look for a partner. This group had to familiar with all the local events. At the same time, they can't be too feeble. The most suitable group was the Huron Empire. They were native people who could offer Champlain plenty of assistance. Both of them could also benefit each other during their alliance.

3. a) The picture looks as though it was taken in the forest near a river. There are a lot of boats moored beside the shore. Two or three people are rowing a boat in the forest. It seems very peculiar. The two groups of people are having a battle. In their hands are arrows and bows. Several people are hurt, and lying on the ground. Everyone is naked in the picture.

b) I don't think this is a realistic picture because of the boat in the forest and the naked people. A forest is supposed to be full of trees and dirt. How can they paddle the boat then? At that time, there was already fur trading, which implies that clothes already exist. I don't think anyone would want to be naked when they have the opportunity to wear clothes in the olden times.

4. a) Georgian Bay is surrounded by the French River, Bustard Islands, Parry Sound Depot Harbor, Hope Island and Cove Island. It is beside Lake Huron.

b) Bay: a shoreline that is bigger than a cove but smaller than a gulf.

5. In the picture, there are some earth or rocks in the bay. They seem to be very soft and makes me feel the warmth. The clouds in the sky looks like soft cotton that would fall on us. Far away, there are some trees. It demonstrates peace in this boisterous world. The sun is shining brightly which gives the sky a golden jacket.

6. When I see the picture, I didn't feel the fear at once. The sky is very blue, which makes the picture seem not as powerful. However, the tree that is bending in the wind makes me feel the strength of the storm. The water that's boiling in the bay also looks very fierce. If the painter could make the sky into a dark colour, I'll feel the tempestuous of the storm.

7. I could feel the gale blowing at me and trees waving in the wind. The sky is in a dark colour which creates a sad atmosphere. The land seems to be full of despair and loneliness. There are a lot of natural animals there, such as the duck on the soft stone. The water makes the scene full of peace. The trees seem as though they will wither soon, but the strength inside them keeps them alive and strong. The internal power of all the biotic components is defeating the force that comes from the nature.
8. After establishing the New France, Champlain found an accesible way of gaining rapid development. He cooperated with a native group--Huron Empire. Their relationship can be symbolized by the word mutualism. Both of them is benefited through the teamwork. Champlain helped them to defeat the Iroquis while they became his navigator in the new area. It was a success as the geographic location provides natural protection for Champlain.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

New France..




1. The map shows Southeast Canada and parts of America. The St.Lawrence River is surrounded by Prince Edward Island and New Brunswick. A lot of explorers from France travel to North America from the St.Lawrence River because of the convenience its geographic location provides. The river has a bond with the Atlantic Ocean.

2. In the picture of St.Lawrence River, there are two main colours--blue and green. The sky and the water are bright blue. It makes people feel calm and peaceful. In the sky, there are some clouds stretched out. They look like silk ribbons which are dancing leisurely. Beneath it are the islands full of green trees, surrounded by the napping water. A highway is also seen from the picture, but it looks very isolated with no cars. Between the road and the river, there is a lighthouse with a bright red top.

3. For all his explorations, Champlain chose ships as his transportation tool. He must have compared it with the other ways of travelling, but his final choice shows his approval of travelling on water. First of all, it's the most convenient way to explore. There were no airplanes at the moment, so he had no choice other than sail over sea by ship. It is also more economic. The king of France won't offer to manufacture a plane just for Champlain's exploration!

4. In the picture of Champlain's habitation in Quebec, there are several two storied houses. The three of them all have smoke rising up from chimneys. The triangular shape the front end of the port makes it look like a ship. This is a black and white picture, which shows the audience how ancient it is. On one side of the group of houses, there is a garage like a store house. I suppose its existence is to store the merchandise traded. It's likely to consist of fur.

5. As mentioned in the question, the cliffs are already towering. This indicates that it would be very difficult to attack. At the same time, Champlain and his men don't need as much effort to defend themselves from possible harm. The cliffs can preserve Champlain from danger. It not only avoids the attack of others, but also protects them from natural disasters.
6. After Champlain had failed in creating Port Royal, he persisted in establishing another one. This new port is called New France. It is located in Quebec. There are more businessmen to transaction with, so it is much easier for them. At the same time, the natural topography and geographic location has a lot to do with Champlain's choice. The towering cliffs provides preservation for them.

Friday, May 1, 2009

A Grand Beggar (Ms.Yu..READ IT)

On a prosperous road of New York, an exquisite black limo flew like a bird. In it sat Kevin and his employer Raymond. They were compatible partners who had met each other a few years ago on the same street they were on now. Kevin and Raymond were recalling the memories reminded by this approach and Raymond said, "Hey buddy! Remember how you spoke to me to ask for money several years ago? Your politeness sure surprised me!" "Ha ha", laughed Kevin. Just then, the ringing of a phone interrupted. After hanging up the phone, Raymond smiled bitterly and Kevin nodded. An expression is sufficient for their negotiation. Both of them were considerate and tolerant of each other as Raymond never taunted Kevin's poverty and Kevin minded none of Raymond's business.

Evening soon came, quietly putting on a light black jacket to the city. At the party, Raymond and Kevin were the brightest moon, always surrounded by the shining stars. Everywhere they go, warm welcomes is like water, overwhelming the place. "Hello Sir! Nice to meet you!", a gentleman came to talk. For the next half an hour, Kevin had to deal with all the praise that came from the gentleman Jason. Even though that it was an evident fact that Kevin was only a driver, people still treated him as though he was the prince, who was always by King Raymond's side. Jason thought to himself, who knows what Kevin's true identity is? How is it possible for someone proud like Raymond have a companion who is a real beggar? To him, as long as Kevin is accompanying Raymond, Kevin is the god.

Time flows like water, never coming back. Time runs like horses, fast and steady. A couple of days had passed until Kevin showed up in the area for commoners, visiting his friends who's occupations are the same as his before--beggar. It was a nice sunny day which made Kevin very satisfied of the splendid life he is leading. He had no idea that an event happening a few minutes later would change his concept of the world. A magnificent helicopter suddenly landed near Kevin and his friends. As they were astounded, Jason walked out majestically. His Armani suit made an evident comparison with the others' dirty jeans and t-shirts that were full of mends. "You are a dirty beggar!", exclaimed Jason with disgust. Kevin couldn't bear the jeer that Jason had just showed because of his identity, so he said, "Get away from me!" "Without Raymond, who do you think you are? Demanding me? In your dreams!" Jason demonstrated great anger, yelling at Kevin. Kevin couldn't persuade himself to believe that this is the person that had glorified him a few days ago. This pushed him into great disappointment, but he kindly thought that Jason was just in a negative mood.

It wasn't too long before Kevin and Jason's next encounter. In a ball room, Kevin and Raymond spotted Jason immediately as he was coming towards them. Kevin and Raymond looked at each other, asking for some advice of what is going on because Raymond had heard about the insult that Kevin received recently. "Hi Sir! How glad I feel to see you two again!", greeted Jason, as if he didn't know what happened the other day. "Oh." The coldness coming from Raymond didn't affect Jason's praise of them. "How noble you look, sir!", said Jason to Kevin, smiling like a flower. Kevin's heart suffered from great agony because of how Jason was behaving. Why is the world like this?! Kevin shouted inside his heart, trembling like a leaf in the wind.

On their way leaving, Raymond comforted Kevin, "You don't have to care about what others are like! As long as you know that you are the one and only, special Kevin, everything's fine! You're important because of your true self! Nothing else!" Kevin sank into deep thoughts for a while before he answered, "We should be judged by the contents of our characters and not our occupations!" Both of them smiled warmly at each other, knowing that they will always be the best partners, no matter how different their classes were. In a bar, Raymond and Kevin communicated joyfully. Raymond put up his bottle of beer and shouted, "Cheers for our grand beggar!" "Cheers!", replied everyone else. Grand Kevin, nodded with a fleet sparkle in his eyes.