Monday, April 27, 2009

Port Royal..

1. Monopoly means the only one to control the whole business. The monopoly has great power. Samuel De Champlain wanted to be a monopoly not only because of the power he would have to order the others, but also because of the immense amount of profit in furtrade. If he was the monopoly, all the money would have went to him. This means he only needs to work to establish the fur trade and wait for money to flow into his pockets!! Everyone loves MONEY!!$$$!!

2. Just like the exploration essay we did, exploring brings the countries a lot of benefits, especially when it's colonized. If the French colonies were successfully formed, France can enlarge their territories and find more natural resources. At the same time, they can have more population to create a stronger country. The negotiating of cultures is also very important. France can absorb the local culture and mix it with their own. That would help to educate better people. The king of course wanted his country to become stronger!!

3. a)In the picture, there is a country road. It looks like the outskirts of a city. I could feel the peace and harmony there. Beside the wooden house, there's a flag pole behind the fence. The flag is dancing in the wind, as though it's saying "Hi" to the sea by its side. The green grass, light blue sky and dark blue ocean makes the place a beautiful painting.

b) There are 3 people standing on the road in the picture. There are several wooden houses behind them. It looks exactly like the county sides. The grass is very green, with a bench a table on it. The sky is a little bit cloudy which makes the picture kind of gloomy and somber.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Samuel De Champlain..

1. a) In this picture, Samuel De Champlain is standing near the lake. It's near the sunset, so the sky is filled with both white and yellow clouds. Beside Samuel De Champlain, a soldier who's holding a fan seems as though he's serving Samuel De Champlain. In Samuel De Champlain's hand, there's a helmet and in the other hand, he's holding a sword which he inserted into the ground. It looks as if he had just came back from a successful voyage and he's celebrating his victory. Samuel De Champlain has curly hair and a little moustache which makes him look noble. He is looking into distance and his expression makes him full of pride. Standing on the rock, Samuel De Champlain is like the king of the world, filled with dignity.

b) Samuel De Champlain was a French man who had many occupations. The most famous one is as a navigator who is also the founder of Quebec City. He had jobs such as geographer, diplomat, explorer and soldier etc. Samuel De Champlain was never of nobility as his father was a captain of a ship. He had been trained as a navigator from early life.

2. Samuel De Champlain had been exploring in Canada and up the St.Lawrence River. He was the founder of Quebec City. Samuel De Champlain also established the fur trade interior in Quebec City to make it easier to control. During his stay in Canada, he helped the Huron Indians to fight the Iroquois. In the duration of that experience, Samuel De Champlain found Lake Champlain.

3. Samuel De Champlain returned to Canada and explored around Nova Scotia in 1604-1607. During that period of time, many new colonies had formed. Granted by England's James I, the Plymouth Company and London Company established. They were miles away from each other, but both on the coasts of America. During that time, the French colonists had also found Port Royal in Acadia.

4. In the map, there's portion of Canada and America. In 1603, Samuel De Champlain sailed over the ocean from France and headed towards the Gulf of St. Lawrence. Then, he landed in Quebec. There, he established a colony and became the founder of Quebec City, forming the fur trade interior. Then, Samuel De Champlain went into Ontario and crossed a Great Lake to go to New York, which was his last stop for this voyage. Again in 1605, he came to Canada to continue his exploration. This time, he went towards the coast of Nova Scotia and went all around it. Then, he went around the American coasts, passing two states before reaching his destination Massachusetts.

5. Samuel De Champlain decided to explore because of his determination. He wanted to succeed in establishing a French colony in America. It was his desire to make a mammoth devotion to his country. As an explorer, Samuel De Champlain was a successful one. His persistence and perseverance were to praise. This is because of his resolution of organizing a French colony in the new found land.
6. Samuel De Champlain made many trips to Canada. He had a smart way of travelling that saves him a lot of money. On most of his voyages, he goes with people who have the king's permission. This way, Samuel De Champlain no longer needs to plead the king for budget. On all his trips to Canada, he sailed over the sea on ships.

Monday, April 20, 2009


1. Since starting to take Canadian Studies in February, I've learned a lot about the Canadian history in the past hundreds of years. There were two important explorations to Canada with the two explorers who discovered Canada, John Cabot and Jacques Cartier. John Cabot is from England and he went on several voyages to Canada, but he had died on the last trip. The French explorer Jacques Cartier is a friend of Christopher Columbus, the discoverer of North America. He was very successful as an explorer, finding ample natural resources and colonizing Canada for France. I also learned about the Northwest Passage. It's the thought of passing through Canada to find a route towards China and India. This didn't work because they weren't familiar with the Canadian landforms. Both France and England deserve credits for transforming Canada into what we see today.

2. The most memorable lesson since September for me is the first lesson in Language Arts 9 taught by Ms.Yu. The first task she gave us after our self introductions was an English provincial exam. I'm not sure which grade it's for and I only remember that it was very hard for me. It wasn't like any of the exams I've taken, and it really scared me. School was very different from my imagination, so I was getting more and more nervous. I had doubts of being able to do well in English, but when I thought about it, I became determined to work extra hard to catch up. That first lesson was an important point in my life at Sino Bright because it inspired me to make efforts. At the same time, the acting we did in LA9 helped me gain a lot confidence. It's very unforgettable.

3. I've changed a lot since coming to this school. In the beginning, I was shy and scared, but I decided to change myself and be more confident. I overcame my fears in class and tried to participate as much as I can. I've never worked that hard in my life! This time, it's not for the honor nor the teacher, it's truly for myself! By challenging myself and conquering different hardships, I became more powerful and confident. Now, I'm more mature because I've learned the importance of studying for myself and being confident. I became a lot hardworking too since I know how to control myself from lures. This has been an important school year in my life.

4. My goal is to get straight A's in all my classes. I'm planning to study the biology part in Science by myself and review for the Science provincial exam which is coming up in June. For English, I'll practice writing essays and try to do my best. I need to finish all my homework on time!! I don't always reach my goals, but I'll try to make as great efforts as I can to improve my marks. The hardest subject for me now is Science, so I need to work even harder to get a good mark. When I have any questions, I have to force myself to ask the teacher or my classmates and not be shy. With hard work, I believe that I can successfully reach my goal!

5. I'm proud of the A that I got in Math last semester. My math wasn't very good, and I wasn't sure if I could do well in it. I made great efforts and even though I failed for a few times, I still persisted in working hard. At last, my hard work led me to a good grade. From that experience, I know that even if we fail sometimes, it's important to not give up and keep trying. At first, I worked extra hard, and always tried my best in tasks. After several months, I was kind of tired of school, so I didn't work as hard. What makes me very happy is that I've been doing my best all the way this semester and I hope to keep it up!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Explorations Need to be Handled

Explorations is important to countries because of the great benefits brought by it, but exploration can also cause unhappy consequences. In the past historical explorations, there were many conflicts and misunderstandings between the local citizens and explorers, just like the experience in Franmanyland, a heaven like country. From the experience of Franmanyland, it's clear that exploration can be very harmful if explorers couldn't control their selfish attempts because it can evoke contradictions by contending for resources with the native people, colonizing native lands and kidnapping native people

On a sunny day, the citizens of Franmanyland welcomed the new comers--explorers from Itaziltina. The native people were very glad to have some visitors, and offered to be their guides. Of course, the explorers were delighted to see how popular they were and told the citizens all about their homeland. Everyone was very ethusiastic because of the unexpected friendship, but the happiness didn't last long. After having lunch together, the explorers setted out on their discovery trip in Franmanyland while the native people took their nap as usual. When it was almost sunset, a native teenager ran to the king to tell him that nearly half of the cods in the lake had disappeared and some people saw the explorers taking the fish away. The king was astonished to hear the news, but the fishers were very angry to know that their "money" had been taken away. The native people ordered the explorers to give back their resource immediately, and the explorers refused, so without doubt, they had a quarrel. The unhappy experience made the explorers regret being so impulse, and the native people also felt sorry for being mean, so they all determined to have a new start tomorrow and try their best to repair their relationship.'

It wasn't hard for the explorers and native people to become friends again since they were both very firm to be nice to each other. Both of them were eager to please each other, so they soon became friendly again. A few days later, the explorers were about to leave and came to say farewell. People of Franmanyland were relieved to see them planning to leave without harming their country, but they pretended to be very sad. The polite words stoves that warmed everyone's heart. It wasn't long after some boatmen noticed the cross planted in the sand saying "Itaziltina" while the explorers were having their last dinner in Franmanyland. No wonder, it exasperated the Franmanylandians, so they were determined to never help the explorers again. At the same time, rumors flew into the explorers' ears and exaggeration of what they had done made them very dissatisfied, so they wanted to take revenge. After holding a secret meeting, the leader of the explorers said, "We don't even need to care about how those stupid native people feel! They're so rude and not at all considerate!" This time, the conflicts between the two of them is for real.

Angrily, the explorers planned a kidnap with no pity. At night, when the explorers crept quietly outside to find a good opportunity to kidnap, one or two Franmanylandians walked by, but they didn't bother to speak to the explorers because of the unhappy events. This made the explorers even more determined to take revenge because they don't feel respected among the natives. Soon, the explorers found 10 native people that weren't alert and tricked them onto their ships. After kidnapping the 10 native people, the explorers left with the joy of having revenge, leaving the native people sad and regretting after discovering the loose of the 10 people that they had not thought highly of the explorers after their conflicts and misunderstandings.

From then on, Franmanyland's native people had always treated explorers with respect and tolerance. Even though conflicts and misunderstandings between countries during exploring is unavoidable, people on both sides need to be more considerate and work together to avert fights and even wars. After all, it's the citizens' reponsibility to keep their homeland harmonious and peaceful. Through the historical event of exploration in Franmanyland, it's clear that exploration can bring both advantages and disadvantages, so people of the earth should all make efforts to avoid wars and conflicts. The world needs everyone to contribute to become a place full of peace.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Essay Plan (Exploration can cause misunderstandings)

Introduction:unhappy experience in Franmanyland because of conflicts between native people and explorers
Thesis Statement: From the experience of Franmanyland, it's clear that exploration can be very harmful if explorers couldn't control their selfish attempts because it can evoke contradictions by contending for resources with the native people, colonizing native lands and kidnapping native people.

Body Paragraph 1. Topic Sentence: On a sunny day, the citizens of Franmanyland welcomed the new comers--explorers from Itaziltina.
Body: At first, everyone was friendly and polite with each other, but soon, they had a quarrel because of the natuaral resources
Conluding Sentence: The unhappy experience made the explorers regret being so impulse, and the native people also felt sorry for being mean, so they all determined to have a new start tomorrow and try their best to repair their relationship.

Body Paragraph 2. Topic Sentence: It wasn't hard for the explorers and native people to become friends again since they were both very firm to be nice to each other.
Body: They were nice for a while, but when the explorers were about to leave, they put a cross saying "Itaziltina" on the native land, native people were angry and decided to never help them again.
Concluding Sentence: "We don't even need to care about how those stupid native people feel! They're so rude and not at all considerate!", said the leader of the explorers.

Body Paragraph 3. Topic Sentence: Angrily, the explorers planned a kidnap with no pity.
Body: natives were unhappy with explorers, so they didn't bother to speak to them. the explorers were even more angry and kidnapped 10 native people
Concluding Sentence: After kidnapping the 10 native people, the explorers left with the joy of having revenge, leaving the native people sad and regretting not thinking highly of the explorers after their conflicts and misunderstandings.

Conclusion. Topic Sentence: From then on, Franmanyland's native people had always treated explorers with respect and tolerance.
Concluding Sentence: Exploration can bring both advantages and disadvantages, so people of the earth should all make efforts to avert wars and conflicts. After all, everyone looks forward to peace.

Learning to Balance

A lot times, people face decisions that are difficult to make. It’s important to choose the right option because every decision has its consequence, which is prone to becoming a turning point in our lives. As people grow up and become more and more mature, they need to learn to decide for themselves. This implicates that everyone must understand the importance of comparing two choices. I know all this by experiencing the hardness of making a decision. Through deciding for myself, I suffered from internal conflicts, made a choice with doubt, but teemed with gratification after finding out the truth.
It was the first day going to school after a holiday, but luck was already fading away from me because I had just lost my cell phone. During class, one of the teachers told me that my mother had an emergency, so I needed to call her. My mother sounded very worried and said, “I’m going back to your grandma’s, are you coming with me?” “Um” I was filled contradiction. “You don’t have to if you don’t want to” Mother was considerate as always. “What’s wrong with grandpa? We just came back today!” “You don’t need to know that much.” I could evidently feel her worry, but I didn't want to miss school. “Then, I’m going to stay here. Bye!” After hanging up, my heart was like the messy yarn that twists. I was desperate to know what made mother so concerned. I knew that I would always have the opportunity to go with her.
For the next five minutes, I was filled with doubt and concern. There were two voices that were arguing with each other, but both of them were convincing to me. Just that morning, I had just come back from grandma’s because my mother and I wanted to take care of my grandpa who was seriously ill. One voice said, “Stay here! Your provincial exams are coming up, why would you want to miss school?” Just when I was having a hard time to decide, the other voice showed up. “Why are your marks so important to you? Maybe your grandpa needs you very much!” By then, I only wanted to cry, but I didn't. I knew that I had to have a calm mind to analyze the situation calmly. I told myself, the wrong decision may fill you with remorse for the rest of your life. I thought about my two choices over and over again, and finally made a choice. I immediately called my mother to tell her that I’m going back with her. Even though I was unsure of my final decision, I think it’s the wisest choice I could make. Provincial exams are important of course, but I could have more than one chance to take it. Grandpa is different, I only have one! I couldn't be so selfish and disappoint him by refusing to see him for the last time just because of my future. I felt both unsure and determined.
Filled with uncertain, I went on to the same trip that I had just taken several days ago. During our car trip, mother cried helplessly like a little child. That indicated the seriousness of the situation which flurried me. At the same time, my heart was full of joy because I made the right decision of coming back, but the truth was distant from my predictions. I thought that grandpa was ill even more seriously and I held on to that thought all the way until we arrived at grandma’s. The yard under grandma’s apartment was filled with wreaths, and there was a banner mourning my grandpa. My heart was pounding so fast that I could hardly breath and I felt as if it was the end of the world. I don’t know how I walked up the stairs, the only thing I remember was the room full of people crying and the black and white picture of my grandpa that hung in the middle of the wall. My mind turned blank immediately and I started to wail. After trying to accept the truth, I was gratified that I chose to go back.
By making the right decision for myself, which I now think is an important turning point in my life, I know that I’m growing up. Choosing the right path is a significant lesson in everyone’s life, so learning to balance is the first step to success. Through one’s upbringing, there are lots to learn before becoming truly mature, but balancing choices and making the correct decision is vital as it could easily change our lives.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

What you think is what you see..

1. If the maps around me supported the idea that the Northwest Passage existed, I would probably choose to believe it. I've always trusted scientists because I think they're usually very objective. The maps publishing company should be authorized, so that convinces me to believe the maps. If there was a map like that, I believe that a lot of people would think that it's true, so I might be persuaded by people around me too.

2. If I was John Cabot and someone told me that the Northwest Passage didn't exist, I would be very angry because I have bias. Maybe I'll say, "You're just jealous of me because you're not as successful as I am! Stop talking nonsense!" Even though I wouldn't want to belive that there is no Northwest Passage, I think I would think about that person's sayings afterwards and I'll probably be unsure of my belief. I think I would still choose to believe that there is the Northwest Passage unless someone has enough evidence to prove that it doesn't exist.

3. In the map, Canada is west of England and Africa is south of England. There's a red marked route to Newfoundland, Nova Scotia and then back. I think it supports the idea that the Northwest Passage exists.
4. The explorers and monarchs all wanted to find treasures which they think might be in Asia. They wanted to get there faster so that they can win more profits for themselves and for the country. The Northwest Passage supports the idea that there's a fast way to arrive there, so they all chose to believe the existence of the Northwest Passage.
5. In my life, there are a lot of feed back loops. An example is liking dogs and feeding dogs. I like dogs, so I want to feed one. I feed one means that I like them.
6. There were the French explorers and the English explorers who discovered Canada. They colonized parts of Canada and that's why people speak English and French in Canada today. Their colonizing helped Canada's development even though it once caused conflicts and misunderstandings.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Flat Earth..

(1) (2)

1. (1) The picture shows a mammoth circle, which a lot of people take as the earth. On the flat surface, there are the colours of blue, white, green and brown. I think they represent the oceans, ice glaciers and lands. In the center of the picture, there is a small white circle which comes to me as the north pole. The white circle surrounding the earth in the picture looks very mysterious and it seems to be the edge of the earth. Water takes up most of the earth in this picture, which is actually the same as now. Affected by the facts I've learned in school, I think the earth in this picture is incomplete. It looks as if there are several continents missing in the picture.

(2) In the picture, we can see the background of some houses. It appears to me as the castles in the olden times. There are a lot of clouds flowing in the sky. I learn that the weather is very nice because the sky is very blue. Behind the castles, there are lots of trees and a river. The scenery makes the picture look very peaceful. What points out it's a flat earth is the boat falling on the edge of the earth. I think it's a waterfall that the boat is dropping from. It tilts at the edge which indicates that it's an end of the earth. The sky looks very near to the earth, maybe just covering it.
2. If I still believed that the earth is flat, I would definitely have a very strong believe because nowadays, few people still hold that old thought. If the earth is round like a ball, how can we stand on it and not fall? Scientists say that there is gravity, but then how can balloons fly into the sky? The earth I see everyday is also flat. When cars drive on the road, they travel in a straight line, and not in a curved shape. Another reason is that even if there is gravity, how can people live upside down on the other end of the earth? Wouldn't they die? In the olden times, people were hard to convince and not much people would believe scientists, but the theory of flat earth succeeded in persuading everyone. This shows that it has its logic. Our ancestors have always believed that the earth is flat, so they absolutely had their reason, which is an important reason why I still choose to believe the old opinion.
3. Technology is becoming more and more developed. Today, we learn a lot about our universe and the earth and most of it seems to make sense. I think we still have false concepts of the world because there are still a lot of things that science can not explain today. Technology has never stopped improving, so the truth is always upgrading and changing. For example, scientists kicked Pluto out of the list of planets. This means that it's no longer an acknowledged planet. From there, we see that science doesn't always stay the same, so we never stop correcting our misunderstandings of the universe. Therefore, people would always keep on having wrong concepts of the earth. However, scientists are there to correct them.

Puppet Show..

1. Our puppet show is about the part when Jacques Cartier tricked Donnaconna and his sons onto his ship. It's different from the true historical event because we wanted to make it more humorous. In the puppet show, we had two scenes. One at the harbour and one on the ship. In our show, Donnaconna forced Jacques Cartier to bring him to France, which is just the opposite from the truth. The ending stayed the same because Jacques Cartier didn't send Donnaconna back to Canada as promised.

2. Joy---Donnaconna's son
Jennifer--Jacques Cartier

3. From making the puppet show, I understand about Jacques Cartier's experience better. At the same time, I thought about cooperation in a deeper way. What's the most important is that I had fun during the project, and next time, I'll be more experienced and prepared.

4. When Ms.Chan is marking our puppet show, I'd want her to notice that we made the villagers with a pair of gloves by sticking faces onto it. I think it was pretty creative. I also think our background looks nice because Carolyn and Jennifer both made efforts to make it beautiful, so I hope their work can be approved.

5. Maybe our group isn't the best one, but I think everyone tried hard to work and unite together. Reasons:
1. When Carolyn and Jennifer were drawing the backgrounds, me and Sai tried to help them in any way we could even though we don't draw well.
2. Everyone brought everything they could to help make the puppet show better.
3. Sai couldn't come on the day we planned to film, but no one blamed him for it. We found someone else to substitute him instead.