Monday, April 13, 2009

Learning to Balance

A lot times, people face decisions that are difficult to make. It’s important to choose the right option because every decision has its consequence, which is prone to becoming a turning point in our lives. As people grow up and become more and more mature, they need to learn to decide for themselves. This implicates that everyone must understand the importance of comparing two choices. I know all this by experiencing the hardness of making a decision. Through deciding for myself, I suffered from internal conflicts, made a choice with doubt, but teemed with gratification after finding out the truth.
It was the first day going to school after a holiday, but luck was already fading away from me because I had just lost my cell phone. During class, one of the teachers told me that my mother had an emergency, so I needed to call her. My mother sounded very worried and said, “I’m going back to your grandma’s, are you coming with me?” “Um” I was filled contradiction. “You don’t have to if you don’t want to” Mother was considerate as always. “What’s wrong with grandpa? We just came back today!” “You don’t need to know that much.” I could evidently feel her worry, but I didn't want to miss school. “Then, I’m going to stay here. Bye!” After hanging up, my heart was like the messy yarn that twists. I was desperate to know what made mother so concerned. I knew that I would always have the opportunity to go with her.
For the next five minutes, I was filled with doubt and concern. There were two voices that were arguing with each other, but both of them were convincing to me. Just that morning, I had just come back from grandma’s because my mother and I wanted to take care of my grandpa who was seriously ill. One voice said, “Stay here! Your provincial exams are coming up, why would you want to miss school?” Just when I was having a hard time to decide, the other voice showed up. “Why are your marks so important to you? Maybe your grandpa needs you very much!” By then, I only wanted to cry, but I didn't. I knew that I had to have a calm mind to analyze the situation calmly. I told myself, the wrong decision may fill you with remorse for the rest of your life. I thought about my two choices over and over again, and finally made a choice. I immediately called my mother to tell her that I’m going back with her. Even though I was unsure of my final decision, I think it’s the wisest choice I could make. Provincial exams are important of course, but I could have more than one chance to take it. Grandpa is different, I only have one! I couldn't be so selfish and disappoint him by refusing to see him for the last time just because of my future. I felt both unsure and determined.
Filled with uncertain, I went on to the same trip that I had just taken several days ago. During our car trip, mother cried helplessly like a little child. That indicated the seriousness of the situation which flurried me. At the same time, my heart was full of joy because I made the right decision of coming back, but the truth was distant from my predictions. I thought that grandpa was ill even more seriously and I held on to that thought all the way until we arrived at grandma’s. The yard under grandma’s apartment was filled with wreaths, and there was a banner mourning my grandpa. My heart was pounding so fast that I could hardly breath and I felt as if it was the end of the world. I don’t know how I walked up the stairs, the only thing I remember was the room full of people crying and the black and white picture of my grandpa that hung in the middle of the wall. My mind turned blank immediately and I started to wail. After trying to accept the truth, I was gratified that I chose to go back.
By making the right decision for myself, which I now think is an important turning point in my life, I know that I’m growing up. Choosing the right path is a significant lesson in everyone’s life, so learning to balance is the first step to success. Through one’s upbringing, there are lots to learn before becoming truly mature, but balancing choices and making the correct decision is vital as it could easily change our lives.


  1. Wow. You have used very mature content and it truly speaks from the heart.

    I am so glad you are back. I am so glad you made the right decision for yourself.

    I can see how much you have put into this essay.

  2. Dear Joy,

    I am glad you made the right choices for yourself - such maturity! And such heart...

    I'm happy to see you at school again. You also inspire me.
