Monday, April 13, 2009

Essay Plan (Exploration can cause misunderstandings)

Introduction:unhappy experience in Franmanyland because of conflicts between native people and explorers
Thesis Statement: From the experience of Franmanyland, it's clear that exploration can be very harmful if explorers couldn't control their selfish attempts because it can evoke contradictions by contending for resources with the native people, colonizing native lands and kidnapping native people.

Body Paragraph 1. Topic Sentence: On a sunny day, the citizens of Franmanyland welcomed the new comers--explorers from Itaziltina.
Body: At first, everyone was friendly and polite with each other, but soon, they had a quarrel because of the natuaral resources
Conluding Sentence: The unhappy experience made the explorers regret being so impulse, and the native people also felt sorry for being mean, so they all determined to have a new start tomorrow and try their best to repair their relationship.

Body Paragraph 2. Topic Sentence: It wasn't hard for the explorers and native people to become friends again since they were both very firm to be nice to each other.
Body: They were nice for a while, but when the explorers were about to leave, they put a cross saying "Itaziltina" on the native land, native people were angry and decided to never help them again.
Concluding Sentence: "We don't even need to care about how those stupid native people feel! They're so rude and not at all considerate!", said the leader of the explorers.

Body Paragraph 3. Topic Sentence: Angrily, the explorers planned a kidnap with no pity.
Body: natives were unhappy with explorers, so they didn't bother to speak to them. the explorers were even more angry and kidnapped 10 native people
Concluding Sentence: After kidnapping the 10 native people, the explorers left with the joy of having revenge, leaving the native people sad and regretting not thinking highly of the explorers after their conflicts and misunderstandings.

Conclusion. Topic Sentence: From then on, Franmanyland's native people had always treated explorers with respect and tolerance.
Concluding Sentence: Exploration can bring both advantages and disadvantages, so people of the earth should all make efforts to avert wars and conflicts. After all, everyone looks forward to peace.

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