Monday, April 20, 2009


1. Since starting to take Canadian Studies in February, I've learned a lot about the Canadian history in the past hundreds of years. There were two important explorations to Canada with the two explorers who discovered Canada, John Cabot and Jacques Cartier. John Cabot is from England and he went on several voyages to Canada, but he had died on the last trip. The French explorer Jacques Cartier is a friend of Christopher Columbus, the discoverer of North America. He was very successful as an explorer, finding ample natural resources and colonizing Canada for France. I also learned about the Northwest Passage. It's the thought of passing through Canada to find a route towards China and India. This didn't work because they weren't familiar with the Canadian landforms. Both France and England deserve credits for transforming Canada into what we see today.

2. The most memorable lesson since September for me is the first lesson in Language Arts 9 taught by Ms.Yu. The first task she gave us after our self introductions was an English provincial exam. I'm not sure which grade it's for and I only remember that it was very hard for me. It wasn't like any of the exams I've taken, and it really scared me. School was very different from my imagination, so I was getting more and more nervous. I had doubts of being able to do well in English, but when I thought about it, I became determined to work extra hard to catch up. That first lesson was an important point in my life at Sino Bright because it inspired me to make efforts. At the same time, the acting we did in LA9 helped me gain a lot confidence. It's very unforgettable.

3. I've changed a lot since coming to this school. In the beginning, I was shy and scared, but I decided to change myself and be more confident. I overcame my fears in class and tried to participate as much as I can. I've never worked that hard in my life! This time, it's not for the honor nor the teacher, it's truly for myself! By challenging myself and conquering different hardships, I became more powerful and confident. Now, I'm more mature because I've learned the importance of studying for myself and being confident. I became a lot hardworking too since I know how to control myself from lures. This has been an important school year in my life.

4. My goal is to get straight A's in all my classes. I'm planning to study the biology part in Science by myself and review for the Science provincial exam which is coming up in June. For English, I'll practice writing essays and try to do my best. I need to finish all my homework on time!! I don't always reach my goals, but I'll try to make as great efforts as I can to improve my marks. The hardest subject for me now is Science, so I need to work even harder to get a good mark. When I have any questions, I have to force myself to ask the teacher or my classmates and not be shy. With hard work, I believe that I can successfully reach my goal!

5. I'm proud of the A that I got in Math last semester. My math wasn't very good, and I wasn't sure if I could do well in it. I made great efforts and even though I failed for a few times, I still persisted in working hard. At last, my hard work led me to a good grade. From that experience, I know that even if we fail sometimes, it's important to not give up and keep trying. At first, I worked extra hard, and always tried my best in tasks. After several months, I was kind of tired of school, so I didn't work as hard. What makes me very happy is that I've been doing my best all the way this semester and I hope to keep it up!


  1. Joy,

    You have changed so much since the beginning of the year. You have blossomed into a student who sets a good role model for others. You have a very serious attitude towards learning and I admire that.

    Please don't give up being excellent. You have so much potential. I can truly see what a wonderful future you will have.

    Thank you for learning. Thank you for wanting to learn. I am truly proud of you and I am so glad i had the privilege to be your teacher. It has been an amazing adventure. I know I can always rely on you to be you.

    When some things makes me less inspired about teaching, I look at the growth you have shown and I am inspired once again.


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