Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Exploration Essay..

Nowadays, countries compete fiercely, so every one of them is making efforts to find a way to develop rapidly. 500 years ago, the first exploration took place, explorers proved its value and importance to a country right after returning to their homeland. Since then, many countries started to mimic the act. Explorations took place very often in the past hundreds of years because of its significance by bringing countries plenty of resources, massive lands and a quick develop in technologies.

In the olden times, a lot of powerful countries such as Spain, Britain and France, sent explorers to look for routes towards the ancient nations. A lot of them found natural resources in the new found lands. For example, John Cabot found a big region with sufficient fish to provide all people in Britain, and for Jacques Cartier, his crew traded iron goods for the furs which they lacked. People nowadays learn from those historical events about how exploration could bring resources. This is a way to bring profits to the countries quickly. Although it may cause misunderstandings and even wars, countries still venture to send explorers onto voyages of discovery. From that, we can easily learn about the mammoth advantages of exploration that could lure the kings to take the risk. Thus, people learn from past events about the position of exploration as it benefits countries within its people with the wealth found in the new discovered lands.

Exploration is significant to countries, not only because of the profits it brings to the country, but also because of the massive lands claimed for the country. A strong country keeps its position by developing itself. This means that countries need big territories to become stronger and stronger. Looking into the past, America bought Alaska from Russia in 1867 for 720 million US dollars. Did America buy it for nothing? Of course not. America had a purpose that made them willing to pay millions of dollars for a piece of land. That's because they realized the importance of territory to a country. By exploring, people often discover lands that don't belong to any government at the time, so explorers would claim the land for the country that sponsored their voyages. What's the most important is that it's entirely free. Therefore, exploration holds its unique status in the development of a country because of the mammoth benefits it brings.

Above all, technology, which decides a country's position, could also be gained from exploration. As we all know, technology is a significant factor of a country which decides the nation’s position and fame. For instance, the strongest country is America, but is it the biggest country? Is it the country with the most population? Definitely not. Then what makes it hold its high position in the world? The answer is technology. America has the most developed technology and top scientists. Technology not only helps the country strong its military forces but also brings the country more and more income. Technology can be developed during the voyage by making new discoveries in the sea or on land, which is very often. Explorers can also learn from the native people in the new found lands. They often bring back the new founds with them to disclose to their country. Hence, countries often send explorers to improve their technology and gain experiences because of the importance of expolorations.

In summary, exploration is important for the countries because the new found resources could make up for the lacks of the country, the new lands could enlarge the country and enrich the original country's culture, and improve the technologies with a quick speed. All these benefits are significant to a nation's development. It's a fact that all countries are making great efforts to strong themselves nowadays. For this reason, exploration is a quick way to improve the country, so it has always held its importance.


  1. Joy,

    I am glad you are back. I hope you are feeling better. I will talk to you about what you missed!

    Don't worry.

    Ms. Chan

  2. Focus 4/4

    Your essay has a clear purpose. I know what the topic is from the beginning of the essay to the end of the essay.

    Organization 4/4

    You have a highly effective introduction with a 3-point thesis statement. The body paragraphs relate to the thesis.

    Usage 3/4

    You generally have no mistakes with your spelling and grammar.
    However, there are some little mistakes. Please read your essay again.

    Style 3.5/4

    You use the new words in your essay. However, you can think of higher level vocabulary words for your writing. Instead of “strong”, maybe you can use “strength”. Try to find other words to make you sound mature and knowledgeable about the language. Don’t sound like you are talking. Sound like you are writing. Using questions are a good way to engage your reader but overusing it makes it sound informal.

    Content 4/4

    You develop your ideas and details very thoroughly. You really like America! Some people may disagree with you on your opinions, but I really like the strong opinion you have. :P

    18.5/20 x 2 - 37/40

    Congratulations! Keep it up!
